She’s Making Blueberry Mascara. When She Puts It On Her Lashes… Amazing!

She’s Making Blueberry Mascara. When She Puts It On Her Lashes… Amazing!

Angela Markus

Mascara is surely a girl’s best friend. It isn’t just about that thick mass of ink that coats the lashes.  Mascara reveals the best of a woman’s face – it says calm, cool, wild, bold, weird, fierce, and even at times, carries the whole look of all of the above.

The cost can be kind of expensive, and with daily applications, trips to the pharmacy can add up. But if you have blueberries at home, you do not need to buy- just apply!

Rclbeauty suggests putting some blueberries in a bowl and place it into a freezer for five minutes. She then takes a fork and crushes the blueberries. She uses the handle of the fork to mash them even more.

When it is crushed, she demonstrates with a Q-tip, and a mascara brush applying to the lashes. She also offers the most amazing tip. For thicker lashes, she takes baby powder and adds some to the base of the lashes, then administers the blueberry mascara as she would regular mascara.

For longer lashes, she dabs baby powder to the tip of the lashes and then apply the mascara. The result is amazing and looks like she spent big bucks for the perfect eyelash coat! 

I now see the benefits on stocking up on blueberries.

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