He Was Born At 26 Weeks. But It’s HOW This Premature Baby Was Delivered That Left Doctors In AWE!

He Was Born At 26 Weeks. But It’s HOW This Premature Baby Was Delivered That Left Doctors In AWE!

Sophia Gioiello

When Chelsea Philips went into labor 3 months early, she had no idea her son would become a medical miracle. Her special baby boy, Silas, was born via C-section like most premature babies. But when doctors first saw Silas, they almost couldn’t believe their eyes. Dr. Binder, who delivered the rare baby, told CBS, “It really felt like a moment of awe.”

Chelsea knew her baby boy was special, but it wasn’t until she saw the pictures that she learned he was truly a miracle. Everyone in the hospital was stunned!

Watch the video below to see what has the entire hospital talking!

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