Little Boy Defends Woman Who Was Catcalled

Little Boy Defends Woman Who Was Catcalled

Angela Markus

Women not only face harassment when in public, but that harassment can escalate when they protest it. Just ask Julia Price. While out on a run, she was catcalled. When she decided to say something about it, support from an unlikely source stepped in.

Writing about the ordeal on her Facebook page, she wrote, “This ignoring seemed to piss him off so he lashed out and said ‘eff you, dumb B****!’ Now let’s keep in mind he was well-dressed and appeared to be on his lunch break from an office job.”

But just as Price took off her headphones and prepared to stick up for herself, an unlikely feminist stepped in to help—a little boy named James. According to the account on Facebook, the boy looked up at the man and said, “Hey. That is not nice to say to her and she didn’t like you yelling at her.”



He continued, “You shouldn’t do that because she is a nice girl and I don’t let anyone say mean things to people. She’s a girl like my sister and I will protect her.”


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According to Price, the man immediately gathered his lunch because he felt embarrassed. She then asked her little hero’s mother if she could hug him and she did. When she told him how grateful she was for his act of bravery, he shrugged and said, “Well I just wanted to make sure your heart was okay.”


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