He Hugs a Girl For The First Time. How This Baby Reacts Is Priceless!

He Hugs a Girl For The First Time. How This Baby Reacts Is Priceless!

Angela Markus


The terrible twos. It’s the wild year when toddlers are interested and capable of doing just about anything without a care in the world. This little boy has had his fair share of disasters, but he’s discovered something that just might be his favorite adventure of all- girls!

Moms hope for their boys to take their time when falling in love with girls, but this young man has his eye on the prize. He just hugged his girl friend for the first time and he’s so ecstatic, Mom had to get it all on tape.

Watch the moment he wraps his little arms around her. He squeezes her tight, then turns around to show everyone his excitement! If those cheers don’t put a smile on your face, I don’t know what will!

He loves it so much, he goes in for another, and his reaction is just as good. Looks like this little boy is girl crazy 16 years too soon.

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