Little Boy Cries Tears of Joy As He Is Reunited With His Lost Puppy

Little Boy Cries Tears of Joy As He Is Reunited With His Lost Puppy

Angela Markus

Khane Williams of Lubbock, Texas was completely heartbroken after his pet dog Kase went missing about a month ago. After a tireless search, Khane’s mother Paula discovered that Kase had been taken in by a family who lived nearby, who had been looking after him since he disappeared from home. The emotional reunion with his pet is one of the most touching things you will see all day.

Paula filmed the touching moment the boy and his dog were reunited. In the 30 second clip, Paula tells Khane she has a surprise for him. He slowly walks up to the car and, when he sees Kase, bursts into tears and embraces the dog, who gives his face an affectionate lick while Khane says, “I missed you.”

In her Facebook post, Paula says, “Just wanted to share some good news! My son’s puppy went missing about a month ago, and we just found him. This is the video of my son reuniting with his baby Kase!”

Only the hardest of hearts would not be moved by this emotional reunion of a young boy and his lost dog! We’re so happy they’re back together.

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