This Little Boy Saved His Dad’s Life After a Tree Fell and Hit Him On The Head

This Little Boy Saved His Dad’s Life After a Tree Fell and Hit Him On The Head

Erika Carter

There is no way that you are going to know how to respond in the case of an emergency. Especially in the case if the person responding is a child. Luckily, this little guy has some quick thinking and remarkable skills.

The young boy was just five-years-old when this happened. Miraculously, he figured out what to do when his father needed help, and there was no one around to assist him in the emergency. Zander, the young boy, discusses how he responded in that emergency situation.

It all occurred last October. He had run into his Indiana house to grab a jacket while his father was on a tractor. All of a sudden Zander saw a tree fall and hit his father. Zander immediately ran out there to help him shut the tractor off. The dad didn’t know what had happened as it had knocked him in a semi-unconscious state.

The dad’s head was cut open and his nose was bleeding. Zander realized it was a little more than he could handle, so luckily the neighbors were out.

After a week in the hospital and six months of physical therapy, his father was finally able to be there to wipe away Zander’s tears. A medal was presented to Zander for his actions on that October day. He was awarded with the Hobie’s Heroes award in his Indiana town.

They are given to young people who perform heroic deeds. His whole family was around that day in order to watch him be presented with the award and medal. Zander’s mother was especially thankful for her son helping out that day. She states that he grew up riding tractors, which helped out in the emergency. Zander’s quick thinking made this a happy ending for this Indiana family.

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