McDonald’s cheeseburgers are loved by many people from all around the country. However, many people don’t consider them to be a real food. After seeing this, I think those people may have a valid argument.
Researchers from the University of Nottingham dipped a cheeseburger in hydrochloric acid and left it there for several hours.
Hydrochloric acid is the acid found in your stomach and would give the researches a glance into what it looks like when your body tries to digest and a McDonald’s cheeseburger.
The researchers left to let the burger sit and when they got back, the were disgusted with the results. After only three and a half hours of sitting in the acid, whatever the burger was made of turned the acid completely black! I couldn’t believe it myself! After seeing this experiment I don’t think I could eat another fast food burger! What about you? Does an experiment like this change the way you feel about the food you eat?
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