Bus Driver Makes an Emergency Stop When He Spots a Toddler In The Middle of The Street

Bus Driver Makes an Emergency Stop When He Spots a Toddler In The Middle of The Street

Erika Carter

Tim Homann has been driving a bus in New York for 18 years without incident. Last week, however, Tim experienced some excitement on the job when he had to make an unscheduled stop to save a small child.

While driving down his usual route, with passengers already onboard, Homan spotted what appeared to be a small child standing in the middle of the street. Horrified, he immediately pulled over and exited the bus.

Per the New York Daily News, Homan said “I got closer and closer, and it appeared to be a little baby out there.”

He walked over to the girl and asked her if it was okay to pick her up. Hoffman said, “So I knelt down and I put my arms out and she put her arms up and said, ‘Momma.’”

The baby turned out to be an 18-month-old who had wandered out of her house. After picking her up, he began looking around for her parents. Within a few moments, her father came running out. He claimed that he had fallen asleep and his daughter had somehow gotten out of the house.

Luckily Homann spotted her and was able to help! A true hero in every sense of the word.

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