Video Reveals The Loneliness of The Elderly. When You See It, You’ll Want To Call Your Grandmother

Video Reveals The Loneliness of The Elderly. When You See It, You’ll Want To Call Your Grandmother

Angela Markus

While longevity is something that nearly all humans desire, there are some drawbacks. The wisdom acquired from living a long life is priceless to the younger generations. You will see from this short video that for some of the elderly, all of that is irrelevant because life can be very lonely, and almost heartbreaking. It is a stark reminder that if your grandmother is alive, give her a call right now.

Ninety-eight-year-old Mary reminds us that people her age are sometimes forgotten about because their offspring are all preoccupied with their lives. But the truth is, these precious beings are still very much alive.

When cameras followed a day in the life of Mary, the Voyager film crew visited the elderly woman in her small apartment. The activities of Mary’s day shed light on what it might feel like to be alive at 98 and live completely on her own, without much company in the way of family and friends around. Most people Mary’s age live out their lives in nursing homes, surrounded by their peers and participating in coordinated daily activities. But then there are those much like Mary, who simply bide their time in isolation. Her most difficult struggle involves creating new ways to keep herself busy.

“You know what I do? Don’t laugh,” Mary says, “I get junk mail, I strip it. And after I strip it, I cut it up small, put it in a bag and put it for garbage.”

The filmmakers also spend a day with Mary’s group of friends at a senior center. We get to see the much-anticipated highlight of Mary’s day. They dance, play with paper guns, and even a Wii gaming system. It is terrifying to think, what would become of Mary if she did not have such an opportunity to interact with other golden-agers.

When one staffer was asked why she thought her work was so important, she simply replied, “Because they are still alive.”

If you take away anything, it should be to remember those who are ultimately responsible for us being here.

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