When it comes to emergency situations, you can truly never be too prepared. If you have ever witnessed a car accident, you know the stomach-dropping feeling that overwhelms you. Imagine witnessing a car accident and knowing exactly how to help.
This instructional video will enlighten you about the simple steps you can take to break a car window, simply using your hands.
Not only do these emergency situations immediately instill chaos in those around you, it’s rare that people know how to help while you anxiously await first responders. You never know when this handy trick could come into good use. If a pet or a child was trapped inside a car during a hot, summer day, this method may save a life!
While we hope you never find yourself in any of these heartbreaking situations, the more prepared you feel, the better. In the video below, the instructor teaches his students ‘extraction methods.’ It’s nice to know that there are some methods that even you and I could do in a state of emergency.
Check out the video below, and then SHARE the love and pass it on!