When a cashier at a fast-food establishment made one kind gesture to a little boy in need, he had no idea that this one act of kindness would lead to something so much more.
It was almost the end of Travis Sattler’s shift when a young boy came up to the register and ordered an ice cream. Handing over a few crumpled bills and a handful of coins, the child came up short.
Without hesitation, Travis encouraged the boy to keep his change and instead, pulled out his own credit card so the kid could enjoy his treat, worry free and at no charge.
On their way out of the restaurant, the boy and his mother slipped a folded up note into Travis’ hand. What the note says brought me to tears.
“Thank you for being so nice and paying for my concrete. We need more people like you!”
If these wonderful words weren’t enough, a $100 bill was also tucked inside.
This just proves that paying it forward can certainly pay off! SHARE this amazing story on Facebook!