Shelter Cat Cuddles Up To Other Furry Friends Just Out Of Surgery

Shelter Cat Cuddles Up To Other Furry Friends Just Out Of Surgery

Angela Markus

Cats are extremely brilliant animals, and if you had the pleasure of owning a cat you know just what I mean. Their reputation for being aloof does not describe Radamenes. He is living proof that compassion is contagious.

When this little black cat was brought into an animal shelter in Bydgoszcz, Poland, he was in a terrible condition. Suffering from a severe upper respiratory infection, Radamenes was given a grave diagnosis from the vets at the shelter.

Given the extent of his state, vets contemplated euthanizing the cat to end his suffering, but then Radamenes started to purr. With this, the vets realized that he was not ready to give up on life yet, so they opted to begin treatment.

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The vets at the shelter are now so glad that they did because Radamenes has recovered and is returning the favor by helping other animals at the shelter. The staff noticed he was particularly fond of animals who had just undergone major surgeries or procedures. They saw that Radamenes would hug and clean the other animals the same way a doting nurse would.

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The shelter’s staff refers to Radamenes as their new “mascot.” He offers loving cuddles or a warm hug to help the animals get through their healing period. The kind people who helped Radamenes recover showed this little cat some compassion, and now he is spreading it around to help the other animals in the shelter.

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