This Isn’t Your Typical Cat. He’s Got One Strange Quirk That Will Make You Do A Double Take!

This Isn’t Your Typical Cat. He’s Got One Strange Quirk That Will Make You Do A Double Take!

Ashley Rego

Meet George. George is just like any other adorable, fluffy, Persian white cat who enjoys chasing mice, scratching couches and rubbing up against your leg. 

So what makes George so special?

Well, George might actually think he’s a human. 

When George’s owner realized that his kitty was a bit…different…than the rest, he was quick to give the feline oddity his own social media account. The photos instantly went viral, and if you take a look below, you’ll see why!

A photo posted by George Cat (@george2legs) on

 As you can see, George prefers to stand on his hind legs.

#bathtime #creeper #cutekitty #george2legs #meow   A photo posted by George Cat (@george2legs) on

Not only does he like to, he actually prefers it to all fours.

#finallyhome #purring #happycat #austin #meow A photo posted by George Cat (@george2legs) on

Why lay in bed when you can stand?

I don’t want to eat my pasta   A photo posted by George Cat (@george2legs) on

And who needs to sit for dinner time when you have two perfectly capable legs?

A photo posted by George Cat (@george2legs) on

Although one thing is for certain – George has, without a doubt, perfected that whole cuteness thing.

A photo posted by George Cat (@george2legs) on

Even if he does look a little angry…

#throwbackpurrsday #throwbackthursday A photo posted by George Cat (@george2legs) on

But as cute as George may be, I’m thankful my cat stays on all fours….

A photo posted by George Cat (@george2legs) on

Because as George’s owner admits, “Try waking up to see him standing and staring directly into your soul from another room!”


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