With His Newborn Son in One Hand, This Dad Catches an Incredible Foul Ball at Wrigley Field!

With His Newborn Son in One Hand, This Dad Catches an Incredible Foul Ball at Wrigley Field!

Erika Carter

‘Let’s plaaayyyyyy ball!’ Baseball is an American pastime that brings fans, family and friends together over some good ole fashioned fun. From hot dogs and cracker jacks, to catching foul balls and throwing a first pitch — baseball is no stranger to traditions!

One of these traditions that’s most loved by fans is being able to catch a foul ball! Seeing that ball flying towards your section of the stands as you brace yourself for the hopeful catch is one of the most exhilarating feelings.

We’ve seen people catch foul balls in ridiculous situations — while eating, drinking beer, or holding babies. But this one particular dad, who recently attended a Los Angeles Dodgers and Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field, is being called ‘father of the year’ and one heck of a multi-tasker!

While he’s holding his newborn son (and feeding him nonetheless) in one hand, this Cubs fan reaches over the railing and effortlessly catches a foul ball. People everywhere are talking about this insane catch, and once you see it you’ll know why!

This incredible dad didn’t even bat an eye, just caught it with his bare hands! Check it out here:

This in-action close up shot is even better:

After reviewing the play, it was ruled as fan interference

Talk about one amazing baseball game — he’s going to be telling his son about this experience for years!

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