These Elderly Folk Have Something To Tell You. It May Seem Sad, But Wait For One POWERFUL Twist…

These Elderly Folk Have Something To Tell You. It May Seem Sad, But Wait For One POWERFUL Twist…

Angela Markus

The most prestigious age group in our society is sometimes the most neglected and overlooked. This very sad reality is alarming because it’s the seniors who have lived the most exciting lives and have the most incredible stories to share. Wish of A Lifetime decided to celebrate that with some powerful footage.

The eye-opening clip reminds us that people in their ‘Golden Years’ are sometimes forgotten, but they’re still very much alive with a lot to offer. At first, the participants answer a very simple yet poignant question, “What do you see when you look at me?” The replies are devastating. Seniors hold up signs with the words senile, frail, dependent and incapable.

But the mood does not stay somber for long. The seniors then go on to tell their stories of the contributions they have made in their lives which bring a smile to their faces. Unfortunately, these are the elements that many people do not see.

The mission of Wish of a Lifetime’s (WOL) is to foster respect and appreciation for seniors by fulfilling life-enriching wishes. They uncover inspirational stories of hope from deserving seniors across the country who have not stopped dreaming or living a life of purpose. By sharing these stories, WOL aims to be a catalyst for change in how society views and treats our aging population.

Something that is much needed. This is surely something to think about.

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