To Them, This Child Is A Monster. To His Mother, A Precious Gift From God. To You…?

To Them, This Child Is A Monster. To His Mother, A Precious Gift From God. To You…?

Ashley Rego

Christian Buchanan was born with an extremely rare and serious birth defect, leaving him without eyes and a severe cleft lip and palate. Caused by Amniotic Band Syndrome, the fibrous bands in the womb attached to his face and restricted blood flow during fetal development.

Because of his severely deformed face, soon after he was born, the Buchanans were met with constant questions and inappropriate comments from onlookers. One of the most common inquiries was why the couple didn’t just abort Christian.

These incredibly rude and thoughtless comments fueled a fire in Christian’s mother to address her critics through YouTube and other social media channels. She has vowed to help Christian thrive in such a cruel world, while hoping to change the hideous views of others.

Her response left me in tears. God bless this family and this beautiful child. Please SHARE.