Lab Chimpanzees Are Freed and Step Outside Their Cages For The First Time in This Emotional Video

Lab Chimpanzees Are Freed and Step Outside Their Cages For The First Time in This Emotional Video

Erika Carter

Space, freedom to move, and the ability to live in groups is essential in a chimpanzees’ life. Unfortunately, Chimps who live in laboratories for testing don’t have any of those necessities.

The lifespan of laboratory chimps is far less than chimps in the wild. Caged up their entire lives their health deteriorates much quicker than their wild counterparts.

Thankfully, there are places like Chimp Haven in Louisiana. The Humane Society of The U.S. created Chimp Haven to give retired lab chimpanzees a peaceful, natural and happy place to live out their retirement.

Chimp Haven is now letting in 111 new chimps to the grounds, so they can experience some sense of freedom. The laboratory conditions these Chimps were living in were dire. Living their entire lives in metal cages, these animals have never been outside, seen the sky, or touched grass … until now.

This video shows these Chimps being released into Chimp Haven for the first time. Seeing one monkey’s reaction to seeing the sky for the first time brought tears to my eyes. They can now run free, feel grass on their feet, touch other Chimps and do all the things they’d do in the wild. What Chimp Haven is doing for these retired lab subjects is truly amazing. What a wonderful thing to see!

This is the first time the U.S. is honoring its laboratory chimps by letting them retire in a natural setting.

Watch their reactions below and hear what workers at Chimp Haven have to say. And, as always, SHARE the love and pass it on.