She Added This SECRET Ingredient To Her Pie Crust And Turned It Into Something INCREDIBLE!

She Added This SECRET Ingredient To Her Pie Crust And Turned It Into Something INCREDIBLE!

Patrick Dangermond

If your baking needs a little something extra to it, then this is the perfect recipe for you!

Add a little swirl of cinnamon to your pies and give them an extra kick with cinnamon roll pie crust!

All you need to do is take a regular pie crust, spread with butter and cinnamon and roll it up! You can then cut it into mini cinnamon rolls and press them into your pie plate. Make sure to use pie crust instead of cinnamon roll dough because cinnamon rolls rise too much!

This is an easy and unique way to spice up your pies. In the video, she used it for pumpkin pie. What other pies do you think it would be good with?

Give it a try! Please SHARE the love and pass it on!