Halfway Through This Gymnast’s Routine Everyone Gasped. Watch Who Steps In To Save The Day!

Halfway Through This Gymnast’s Routine Everyone Gasped. Watch Who Steps In To Save The Day!

Kendall Conners

I count down the days till the opening games of the summer Olympics every four years for one reason, and one reason only — gymnastics.

Gymnastics is the ultimate combination of strength, balance, agility and control. When those gymnasts are out there displaying their strength and skills on the balance beam, floor, uneven bars or vault, I can’t take my eyes away from the TV.

I can only imagine the amount of strength and training it takes to be able to flip your body through the air and land on a tiny beam. With any sport, we know that things don’t always go quite as planned. But when things don’t go as anticipated in gymnastics, it can be very dangerous.

Sara Berardinelli is an Italian gymnast who was competing in L’International Gymnix in Montreal when she ran into a bit of trouble on the uneven bars. She stood in front of the bars, took her mark and began her routine. She let go of the bar to complete her first back flip, but didn’t make it all the way around to grab the bar again.

If it weren’t for her coach’s insanely quick reflexes, she most likely would’ve landed on her head. When I saw her miss the bar my stomach dropped! But she got up, dusted herself off and tried again.

But the same exact thing happened the second time around! She missed the bar and almost came crashing down, but her coach was right there to save the day again. This is one of the most terrifying yet miraculous things I’ve ever seen!

Bravo to that coach for his amazing reflexes and watchful eye! Watch this crazy video below and let us know what you think.

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