Some pets are full of personality, and this funny little Cockatoo is definitely one of them!
While driving with her beloved pet bird, a woman had a hunch that her pet was in a silly mood. So, she decided to whip out her camera and see what happened — and we’re so glad she did.
The decided to strike up a game of “peekaboo” and her pet was along for the ride. Every time she says it, her Cockatoo pops out his neck, bugs out his eyes, stares at her and says “Peekaboo!” right back. It’s pretty hilarious.
This breed of Cockatoo is the Sulfur Crested Cockatoo. They are insanely outgoing and have a really strong bond with their owners. They are also very smart, which allows them to talk back to their owners. The question still remains whether all Cockatoos play peekaboo with their owners, though.
What do you think? Do you own a Cockatoo who loves playing games? Let us know — and send us a video if the answer is yes! We can’t wait to see it.
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