Watch What Happens When This Teen With Down Syndrome Gets One Very Important Letter!

Watch What Happens When This Teen With Down Syndrome Gets One Very Important Letter!

Sophia Gioiello

Getting accepted into college is a huge accomplishment for young students everywhere!

With hard work and dedication, high school students diligently apply themselves to make sure their grades are top of the line! Once they reach their senior year they send out applications, cover letters and admissions essays to the universities of their choice. Then comes the long-awaited process of patiently counting down the days until they hear back.

Today, most students don’t need to worry about running outside when the mailman comes because the majority of these letters are sent via email. But this young man received his letter the old fashioned way, and he couldn’t wait to rip it open!

Noah, who has Down Syndrome, rushes home after school one day just to open that long-awaited letter. Mom had the camera handy because she had a feeling his reaction would be worth a thousand words!

He opens up the letter and yells in pure excitement, “I GOT ACCEPTED!” His reaction is spot on! Not only is Noah proud of himself, but he perfectly depicts how every student feels when that good news finally arrives in the mail!

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