Did You Know College Students In Oregon Can Legally Bring Guns To Campus?

Did You Know College Students In Oregon Can Legally Bring Guns To Campus?

Jamaica Bravo

As people all over the United States debate our country’s pubic gun-carrying policies in light of the recent school shootings, an examination of different states’ gun laws brought up some interesting, and potentially alarming results. In some states, such as Oregon, it is not only legal for college-aged students to purchase guns, it is even legally permissible for them to bring guns to their college campuses.

Many are up in arms about this new bit of information, finding it especially concerning considering one of the most recent shootings occurred at Umpqua Community College in this same state.

Apparently, Oregonian law states that so long as the gun-owner is sure to carry the required paperwork, proving that the weapon was purchased legally in the state, anyone eighteen or older can carry the gun, concealed on his or her person onto campus grounds. This used to be illegal, even in Oregon, according to the Oregon University System Ban of Guns that was in place before 2011. However, in that year, the Oregon Court of Appeals overturned that law, calling it unconstitutional, as it infringed on the adult students’ rights to carry weapons of defense.

books and handgun


As can be imagined, there are a good amount of people arguing on both sides of this issue in Oregon today, and it remains to be seen whether or not this appeal decision will be challenged later down the road.

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