WOW! When His Mom Gave Him ‘Special Glasses’ I Was Confused. But Then I Saw What They Did…

WOW! When His Mom Gave Him ‘Special Glasses’ I Was Confused. But Then I Saw What They Did…

Patrick Dangermond

When you’re colorblind, there are a lot of things you miss going through life. The world seems like less of the magical and vibrant place that we all know it as. Fortunately, a recent invention is looking to change all that.

Enchroma glasses are special glasses that allow people who are colorblind to see all of the colors that they are missing. Stacy Phillips got a pair of these for her son. She didn’t tell him what they were before she gave them to him, only saying that they were, “magic glasses”.

When he put them on, his reaction is so precious. He says, “Everything is the perfect color!” over and over again. I’m so glad that this modern technology exists. It gives him a whole new appreciation for the things around him.

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