She Has Had Contractions For 16 Days, But NOTHING Induces Labor. Until She Does THIS!

She Has Had Contractions For 16 Days, But NOTHING Induces Labor. Until She Does THIS!

Sophia Gioiello

When you’re past your due date, you’ll do anything to induce labor! Jess was 38-weeks-pregnant with twins and about to pop! She experienced contractions for 16 days and barely slept, but nothing would send her into labor.

The poor thing had multiple false alarms and was ready to meet the new additions to her family!

The doctors didn’t have many suggestions at this point, but to DANCE! Jess puts on a song that she thinks her new twins will love. She blasts Justin Bieber’s “Baby” in the kitchen and begins dancing with her daughter.

She has some impressive moves and even ends in the splits! You go girl!

Make sure to SHARE this cute video with all your friends on Facebook!