94 Year Old Grandma Gets A Tattoo

Grandma Gets A Tattoo

94 Year Old Grandma Gets A Tattoo

Ashley Rego

At the ripe young age of 94, this adorable little grandma embarked on her first trip to the nation’s capital.

Taking in the beautiful sites the city has to offer, Grandma marveled over everything from the majestic White House to the picturesque cherry blossoms overtaking the town in full bloom.

In pure delight, granny expressed how she wanted something she could take home to remember this trip forever. What she ends up getting is probably NOT what you’d expect from a 94-year-old lady!

Watch below as she gracefully sits in a rugged tattoo parlor, arm stretched out, vulnerably exposed, at the will of one pointy needle. That’s right! Grandma chose to remember her special trip by bravely getting a cherry blossom engraved right on to her arm!

Now that is one badass grandma! SHARE the love and pass it on!