Couple Saves Their 20-Year Marriage By Making One Big Change To Their Home

Couple Saves Their 20-Year Marriage By Making One Big Change To Their Home

Angela Markus

There are many challenges associated with marriage. Watch this video for an interesting fix.

Allison Paschke and John Danskin found a creative way to save their 20-year marriage. Living with someone for two decades can produce oversensitivity to little things. Those little things can be transformed into major irritations that cannot be ignored.

The idea of divorce was not a winning option for the couple in this video, so they decided to renovate a newly bought living space to accommodate the individuality and needs of each partner.



Allison and John lived in Cranston, Rhode Island but sold their home for a 4300 square foot, $600,000 loft in Providence. The couple spent a hefty $600,000 to renovate the loft to create two different living spaces for the man and wife. Although connected, there is two of everything in the home. Two front doors, kitchens, bedrooms, dining areas and workspaces.

The wife’s living space consists of a large work area, and a large translucent acrylic wall that leads into a beautiful sunroom. The husband’s room has a bookcase that separates the bedroom from an area used as a workstation. Mr. Danskin’s kitchen is complete with stainless steel appliances which he uses to cook dinners for his wife from time to time.



The couple admits that their new arrangement feels more like when they dated back in college. The parents of two respect each other’s privacy, and now time spent is because they want to, not because they are forced to. The husband stated that when he cleans, it is because he chooses to and not because he feels obligated to.

This type of arrangement may not be suitable for every couple experiencing a rough time but is favorable for these two. It is as though the couple is reliving the jovial time of their youth. The husband and wife even enjoy movie nights and dinner dates.

This is the most interesting marriage-saving tool I have ever seen.

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