Jourdan Spencer and her husband Ryan were enjoying some quality family time, watching home videos with her parents.
Then something strange happened, Ryan saw a face run across the screen that looked oddly familiar.
He quickly rewound the tape and pressed pause.
Sure enough, there was Ryan at age 13, running in front of Jourdan’s parents camera.
The video was recorded one summer in 1988 at an amusement park, 16 years before the couple had ever even met!

“I got a chill at first,” Ryan Spencer said. “I couldn’t believe it was me, and then it became kind of a romantic thing.”
Jourdan goes on to say, “I do believe that everything happens for a reason and that people come into our lives when they’re meant to and leave when they’re meant to, and obviously were were supposed to meet again. Our paths crossed more than once.”

Below is the home video where the couple’s paths originally crossed!
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