They Are Saying Their ‘I Do’s’ In A Hospital Room. The Reason Why Will Break Your Heart!

They Are Saying Their ‘I Do’s’ In A Hospital Room. The Reason Why Will Break Your Heart!

Ashley Rego

In a wedding unlike most, Kristi and Justin Nelson took each other’s hands, exchanged vows and said their “I do’s,” all while standing in an intensive care room in the Cook Children’s Hospital.

This may not be your traditional wedding, but it was the only wedding the mourning couple wanted in their time of sorrow.

Months earlier, Kristi and Justin had to postpone their big day when Kristi became a high-risk pregnancy due to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. One of their sons, JJ, was born 25-weeks premature, while his brother, Colt Austin, was sadly stillborn. The couple spent countless nights attending to their surviving child’s bedside.

When they realized it might be a while until JJ would be able to leave, the couple knew there was only one thing to do. With the help of the hospital staff, the family arranged for the wedding to take place in the hospital room!

While overcast with heavy hearts, the two were happily married with a little assistance from the cutest ring-bearer I’ve ever seen. And believe me – there was not a dry eye in sight!

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