Deaf Couple Shares Their Ultimate Secret To a Happy 46-Year Marriage and It’s Awesome!

Deaf Couple Shares Their Ultimate Secret To a Happy 46-Year Marriage and It’s Awesome!

Angela Markus

A good marriage thrives on the open exchange of emotion, desires, and beliefs. In fact, communication is one of the most important aspects of a satisfying marriage. How open are you with your partner? Do you talk about the best memories you have of your relationship? Or about what the power dynamic is like between you?

These can be difficult conversations to have, but they’re ones that we need to have. The Interactive documentary The And drives that point home like nothing else.

According to its website, the documentary explores relationships, communication, and how we connect to each other. The couples participating in the project cover a huge variety of relationship types, and they range in age from the very young to the decidedly less young. Each couple sits across a table from each other, taking turns drawing questions from a deck of cards and talking about their answers. It is quite magical to watch.

Married couple Norma and Cecilio have been together for 46 years. They recently participated in the project in an attempt to have an honest conversation about love, sex, and being deaf parents.

Cecilio started the conversation by reminiscing about when they first fell in love. The two share wonderful smiles as they talk about how their families felt about their union and how friends are still amused that they are still together. The beautiful part, the couple seems to be more in love than they were almost a half of a century ago.

It offers hope that true love does exist.

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