They Start Dancing To Their Song. When The Husband Stops, I Did NOT Expect What Was About To Come!

They Start Dancing To Their Song. When The Husband Stops, I Did NOT Expect What Was About To Come!

Ashley Rego

While this adorable couple is getting ready for dinner, their favorite song happens to come on the radio.

They abruptly stop in their tracks, and with one knowing glance, they put down what’s in their hands and begin to reenact the dance scene from Dirty Dancing.

Watching their smooth moves, I can’t stop smiling at the two jokesters. Eventually, the hubby has had enough fun and turns around to the table to resume setting the dinnerware.

Little did he know, however, his wife was only getting geared up for the big finale. She comes catapulting towards him, but her fully unaware husband is not quick enough to react. Instead, they both land on top of the table, splitting it down the middle and sending food flying everywhere!

Although you discover in the end that this is a commercial for United Healthcare, I couldn’t stop laughing!

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