Crunchy Nacho Crescent Dogs … A Lunch Your Kids Will LOVE!

Crunchy Nacho Crescent Dogs

Crunchy Nacho Crescent Dogs … A Lunch Your Kids Will LOVE!

Erika Carter

Here’s a new, exciting, and DELICIOUSLY gooey cheese filled way to shake up a classic staple of the summer food groups.

These crunchy nacho crescent dogs will provide you with a quick way to put together lunch that can be eaten on the go.

They are self contained crescent pockets of happiness, that will make your kids day!

This incredibly easy and fast recipe is a flaky crescent roll that is filled with hot dogs and cheese, soon to be melted to perfection.

They are delicately brushed with milk followed by being rolled in crushed cheddar tortilla chips and baked until they look ever so slightly kissed with a sun glowing brown.

Crunchy Nacho Crescent Dogs


1 (8oz) tube of refrigerated crescent rolls

4 slices of American or cheddar cheese

4 hot dogs

1 Tablespoon of milk

2 cups crushed cheddar tortilla chips

Crunchy Nacho Crescent Dogs


Start by unrolling your crescent rolls on a floured surface and separate the pieces so you’re left with four rectangles.  Place your cheese in the center of your rectangle and the add your hotdog.

Crunchy Nacho Crescent Dogs

Wrap your hotdog up like you would a burrito so none of the cheesy goodness escapes. Use a pastry brush to coat your crescent roll in milk and then roll it around in your crushed chips.

Crunchy Nacho Crescent Dogs

Place your crescent rolls on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake in a 375 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

Crunchy Nacho Crescent Dogs

Serve immediately and if you’re feeling adventurous, you can always choose a nice ranch, ketchup, BBQ sauce or other dip.

Crunchy Nacho Crescent Dogs

What a fun way to feel like a gourmet chef, the cool mom, the one that’s always ahead of the curve and who definitely has this summer fun thing under control. Thanks for the awesome recipe Bev!

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