Get Ready To See The Cutest Argument Ever! Dad Vs. Baby

Get Ready To See The Cutest Argument Ever! Dad Vs. Baby

Genevieve Lopez

This isn’t your typical father-daughter argument. In fact, rather than a heated dual between a grumpy traditional father disapproving of his reckless teenager’s decisions, this young dad is playfully scolding his little one to behave. But she’s not going down without a fight!

Dad catches his little girl up on the table where she doesn’t belong. Standing with enough confidence to take over the world, she firmly stands mid-waist to her dad ready to defend her adventurous decision.

“Get your butt down off that table!” Dad tells her, pointing to the floor. Quickly she responds with gibberish, but we’d like to think she really meant, “I make my own rules!”

Watch these two argue back and forth as if it’s a custom they’re use to. Mom is behind the camera giggling along with us. The feud cuts off before we can actually see who won the fight, but from the looks of it, this fearless, outspoken little girl was headed for the gold!

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