Now that we have experienced snowfall, the children are ready to suit up to go out and play. While many children love the snow, grownups may not share their sentiment. Children want to enjoy the winter playground and awesome opportunities to have fun, while their parents dread all of the chores that come with it. But this dad has a cool trick for your little ones.
The unavoidable mess kids create when bringing in their trails of snow is a huge pain to clean. Their shoes and snow boots are almost always filled with lumps of snow that leave puddles all over the home. Parents know exactly what I mean.
Gladly, Viva Frei Have has the most amazing hack that takes all of two seconds. He has discovered how to easily remove his daughter from her snow boots with one hand. He grabs his daughter by the back of her jacket, clasped her feet with his, and pulls her up. It’s that simple and quite hilarious. After taking her on a quick swing in the air, he brings her back down to the ground.
Too cute!
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