Dad Climbs Into Crib With His Baby And Finds Himself In A Sticky Situation

Dad in crib

Dad Climbs Into Crib With His Baby And Finds Himself In A Sticky Situation

Sophia Gioiello

Every parent knows the countless nights that follow the same, dreaded routine. Bath time, pajamas and a bed time story – all to get woken up in two hours with a fit of cries that seem to never end. Like clockwork, our little ones wail for comfort, in hopes of getting soothed back to sleep.

It had been a long, rough night for father, Nunzio Raso, and his baby girl, Michaela. After a few hours of Michaela waking up and crying all night, Dad had the *lightbulb* moment.

He came up with the brilliant idea of climbing into the crib with her, hoping she would fall asleep in peace. Incredibly, it worked! But UH-OH…he finds himself in another dilemma. How does he get out?!

Watch this hilarious video below, it’s sure to put a smile on your face.

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