Dad Made The Never Ending Winter A Little More Fun When He Built THIS. Sledding Will NEVER Be The Same!

Dad Made The Never Ending Winter A Little More Fun When He Built THIS. Sledding Will NEVER Be The Same!

Bethany Burrows

There are parts of the country that seem to be stuck in a never-ending winter. Instead of spending all their time indoors, this family decided to turn winter into something awesome!

Dad spent hours carving out a luge track in their yard so the kids would have a fun winter activity. The sledding fun starts at the top of a ramp he built out of snow. On the count of three the sledder is pushed down the ramp and rides the luge all the way to the end. Even though dad built it for the kids he can’t help but hop on a sled and have a ride on his own a few times. Even though the rest of the country is excitedly anticipating the melting of the snow, this family is making the best of it!

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