Dad Found The Perfect Place For The Baby’s Nap, But It Is NOT Where You Expect!

Dad Found The Perfect Place For The Baby’s Nap, But It Is NOT Where You Expect!

Ashley Rego

Mom makes the *questionable* decision to leave dad home alone with the baby while she heads off to work.

Leaving the house with a kiss and a reminder to put the baby to bed for a good night’s rest…she definitely had no idea what these words would lead to.

With a little creative thinking, dad has somehow come to the conclusion that the perfect spot for their child to nap is not in the crib, not in the bed, not even in his arms…nope, it’s in nestled up in a moving toy truck!

Lol, this made me laugh so hard and it looks like dad might be on to something. The baby looks to be sleeping pretty soundly, wouldn’t you say?!

SHARE this hilarious video with your friends on Facebook for a good laugh!