Dad Blows Air Against Mom’s Pregnant Belly. What The Baby Does Next Is UNREAL!

Dad Blows Air Against Mom’s Pregnant Belly. What The Baby Does Next Is UNREAL!

Genevieve Lopez

Mom had been carrying her little girl in her womb for nearly 8 months. By now, she had developed a close relationship with her unborn child. She knew when she was cranky, when she was restless, and even when she was playful.

But it was one ordinary lazy afternoon that Dad discovered something actually extraordinary! He nuzzled his face against Mom’s belly, puckered his lips, and blew out some air. The loud sound startled their little girl and from inside the womb, she jumps in fright. It surprised them enough that Mom grabbed the camera and got the entire episode on film.

Watch as Dad tries again. After a few blows to Mom’s belly, you can actually see the baby jump! But never underestimate any little girl. She’s just as smart as she is tough and after a few startles she picks up on Dad’s tricks.

Dad better have a few more tricks up his sleeve, because nothing is scaring this little girl any more.

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