Leave it to Ellen to bring us one of the most animated and charismatic kids on television! Meet John Philip “Balang” Bughaw, the 6-year-old dancing sensation that comes all the way from the Philippines.
With his hip swayin’ and finger snappin’, Balang has stolen the hearts of millions worldwide with his attitude-filled performance to “Bang Bang.” In true Ellen fashion, she managed to get the cutie on her Los Angeles stage!
His black-rimmed spectacles, fedora, black and white-checkered suspenders and bowtie proves this little dancer was born for the spotlight!
Balang sits with Ellen to chat about his first experience in the United States and how he feels about his Internet fame. His translator sits beside him, ensuring we all understand everything this 6-year-old says. Although some portions of the conversation get a bit lost in translation, he couldn’t be cuter!
Then the good part comes! He gets up to shake it to the original song that made him such a star. The moment you see this little boy, you’ll fall in love!
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