To Show Young People Just How Dangerous Texting And Driving Is, They Encouraged Them To Do It

To Show Young People Just How Dangerous Texting And Driving Is, They Encouraged Them To Do It

Erika Carter

Every year, thousands of people die behind the wheel because they were attempting to text and drive. The majority of those people are under the age of 25. It’s a tragic and senseless epidemic that is sweeping the world. While many campaigns encourage young people to put down their phones, it still hasn’t been enough to deter many. So, a group from Brussels decided to create a PSA so scary, that no young person would ever want to text and drive again.

The concept behind the video is simple. They put a camera in a car and tricked young people who were getting their license into thinking that in order to get their paperwork completed, they had to first pass a texting and driving test. Needless to say, none of the people were able to pass.

The instructor in the car tells them to remember how impossible the task was — and to remember that this time they were only hitting bumpers and cones. If this were on a real road, they could be hitting cars and people.

It is a very scary thought and we hope that everyone who sees this will finally do the right thing and put their phones down. There is no text message that can’t wait.

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