Men Unknowingly Go On Blind Dates With Professional Stunt Driver

Men Unknowingly Go On Blind Dates With Professional Stunt Driver

Angela Markus

Ford Motor Company decided to play a hilarious prank on some unsuspecting guys by recruiting a very attractive female professional stunt driver for its Valentine’s Day video titled, “Speed Dating Prank — 2015 Ford Mustang.” The prank was part of the company’s publicity campaign for its 2015 Mustang.

L.A.-based professional stunt driver, Prestin Persson, met up with several men on blind dates at a Dallas coffee shop. None of the men were told that their blind date had such as thrilling profession.

The men engage the attractive and seemingly demure blonde in typical first date small-talk. After the date, she offers the men a lift home in her gleaming 2015 Mustang GT. Unknown to the men, the car had previously been fitted with secret cameras which recorded the driver playing the dumb blonde, “admitting” that she does not know how to use her automobile’s stick shift.

One guy tries to coach her as they drive along, instructing her when to shift the gear. “You might want to shift it again,” he says patronizingly.

Another offers imploringly, “Let me drive it. I’ll show you what this thing can do.”

Eventually, she drives into an empty parking lot to turn. Then she presses down hard on the gas pedal and let the men see what she is really made of. Within seconds, her tires are smoking, literally. The men are caught on camera, gripping the armrest nervously as the car speeds up.

The guy who first asked to drive the car, grips his armrest and cries, “Are you serious?” While others realize quickly that she is a skilled driver and their initial nervousness gives way to excitement.

What a first date…?

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