When Her Daughter Told Her What She Learned in Sunday School, I Could Not Stop Laughing!

When Her Daughter Told Her What She Learned in Sunday School, I Could Not Stop Laughing!

Kendall Conners

Some of the most valuable and important lessons a child can learn don’t happen in a traditional classroom, but rather in Sunday School. Little ones can soak up all of life’s valuable lessons and learn the importance of morals and ethics right in Church.

Whatever end of the religion spectrum you might fall on, the same principles apply. But when kids are in Sunday School they learn the foundation of the Christian religion. They learn that first there was God, then God made man and woman. Then after that they learn about Mary and how Mary son’s was Jesus Christ.

So one day the little girl in this video got home from Church (Sunday School) and her mom was asking her about what she learned. First she says she learned about the Holy Spirit and God. Then her mom asked her who else she learned about — God anddddd….

Her mom was expecting her daughter to say Jesus, knowing they definitely learned about him. But this little girl has another answer up her sleeve that mom was definitely NOT expecting!

SEE what this adorable little girl has to say when her mom asks her who she learned about in Sunday School. Then be sure to SHARE the cuteness with your friends!