INSTANT REGRET: See What Happens When Daughter Paints Her Dad’s Face!

INSTANT REGRET: See What Happens When Daughter Paints Her Dad’s Face!

Bethany Burrows

Abigail Van Buren once said that, “If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them and half as much money.” This dad is living by her words as he lets his daughter turn his face into one impressive work of art.

When his young daughter asked if she could paint his face, he didn’t see any harm in saying yes.

A few minutes later, when he felt his lips being painted red, Dad began to regret his decision. His creative daughter worked intently on turning her daddy into a “pretty cat.” Although that didn’t seem like a compliment to him, Dad could tell she was having a blast!

Dad’s “cat” face painting was complete with red lips, countless black whiskers and purple eyeliner. It might not look very cat-like to us, but his little princess had the time of her life transforming Dad into this beauty!

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