Desperate To Save Her Own Life, This Woman Does The UNTHINKABLE To Her Attacker

Desperate To Save Her Own Life, This Woman Does The UNTHINKABLE To Her Attacker

Ashley Rego

When Adele Barber was sexually assaulted in a dark alleyway on her walk home one day, this quick thinking woman knew she had to do something that would not only save her life, but at the same time gather enough evidence to convict her attacker.

On a dark January night, a man spotted Adele walking alone and set in on pursuit of his marked victim. He pushed her against a wall and began inappropriately groping her. When he forced his tongue into her mouth, she found her opportunity to take advantage of his vulnerability and bit down as hard as she could. She knew that with this swift motion she would be able to prove that what he was doing was not consensual, she would be able to obtain his DNA and by applying as much pain as possible, she would have a chance at escape.

While she didn’t know she would actually bite off a piece of his tongue, her plan worked and this lucky lady was able to get away from the attacker and run home. Her shocking getaway is a memorable tale of courage and quick wits. I am so glad this woman was able to get away!

This just goes to show that when your survival instincts kick in, you will stop at NOTHING to survive! SHARE this unimaginable story with everyone you know!