Make Your Own Bird Feeder With a Milk Carton, Paint and a Few Other Tools!

Make Your Own Bird Feeder With a Milk Carton, Paint and a Few Other Tools!

Angela Markus

If you love to upcycle and make crafty items, this video is perfect for you. If you love to watch and feed birds, then definitely stick around. This do-it-yourself bird feeder can be made with common items that might be laying around your home. Best of all, it can be done in a jiffy and is the perfect project for the kids.

Now, you need to get an empty milk carton, paint color of your choice, scissors, a paint brush, string or yarn, a permanent marker, a sharpened pencil, small twig, and birdseeds. Birdseed is interesting, because it can attract a wide variety of birds. The best choice is sunflower, especially if it contains red millets, oats or other fillers.

The first step involves painting the milk carton in the color of your choice. Make sure the paint is dry then cut out a rectangular opening close to the top of the carton. Decorate the opening and other parts of the carton with the permanent marker. Poke some holes to the top of the painted carton and insert the string or yarn. Tie a knot strong enough for hanging.

Next, you want to pour birdseed inside of the painted carton through the opening you previously made. Fill it up to the bottom of the opening. Use the pencil to poke a hole in the base of the carton. I know you were wondering what the twig had to do with anything, but insert the twig for a perch. Ensure you twig is strong enough so the birds have a secure resting place. Hang your newly made bird feeder in a spot where birds of all varieties could hang out and get something to eat.

In less than no time, you created a well-decorated bird feeder. Simply Amazing! SHARE the love and pass it on.