Make Your Own Gooey DIY Cereal Bars With This Easy Tutorial!

Make Your Own Gooey DIY Cereal Bars With This Easy Tutorial!

Bethany Burrows

Crispy cereal, warm gooey marshmallows … what am I talking about? Rice Krispie treats, of course!

Those cereal bars were my favorite treats growing up but I had no idea that you could turn ANY cereal into a delicious marshmallowy-bar!

Now, you don’t need to go running to the store to buy a pre-made cereal bar.

Why would you when you can easily make your own cereal bars in the comfort of your own home?!

To make your own cereal bars you will need:

3 tablespoons of butter

1 bag of marshmallows

8 cups of the cereal of your choice

Here’s what to do:

Melt your butter on your stove top and then add in your marshmallows, stir constantly until they are fully melted. Remove your marshmallow mixture from the stove and add in 8 cups of cereal. Mix everything up until it has a nice marshmallow coat. Pour your cereal mixture into a greased pan and allow your bars to cool before enjoying.

Voila! You have your very own cereal bars! What cereal do you think would make the best bar?

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