You’ve eaten them scrambled, hard-boiled and sunny-side up, but I can’t imagine you’ve ever lathered eggs all over your face! Forget all those store-bought acne products. Turns out, the key to clear skin has been chilling in your fridge this whole time!
Anne from BabamitsANNE whips up some egg whites and shows us what wonders this secret ingredient can do for your skin. She brushes the liquid onto her skin and pats on a thin layer of tissue paper over the dampened skin. She then adds another layer of egg whites on top of the applied tissue. In 30 minutes, her face mask is dry and she peels it off to reveal just how much gunk her mask was able to absorbs from her face!
Not only does this easy DIY egg white mask removes blackheads and prevents acne, it prevents wrinkles too!
The skin care tip is everything you need for clear, glowing skin! So, SHARE the love and pass it on!