Make Your Very Own DIY Glitter Bowls For Your Home

Make Your Very Own DIY Glitter Bowls For Your Home

Erika Carter

It seems like having a fabulously decorated house with awesome knickknacks is all the rage these days. Unfortunately, decorations are oftentimes pretty expensive.

Luckily, we’re here to help you with this DIY Glitter Bowl tutorial. It’s quick to make and will leave your friends asking where you purchased that adorable, trendy bowl.

To get started, you’ll need the following:

-2 cups glitter of your choice

-Mod Podge


-Paint brush


Mix your glitter and Mod Podge in a bowl.

Blow up a balloon and place it with the tied side down in a bowl.

Carefully, paint your glitter concoction around the balloon in a bowl shape and let sit for 24 hours.

Pop your balloon and enjoy what beauty it can add to your home!

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