She’s Adding Something To Her Nail Polish I Never Even Thought Of Before!

She’s Adding Something To Her Nail Polish I Never Even Thought Of Before!

Genevieve Lopez

The latest craze in nail polish art isn’t as intricate as you would imagine. Add the perfect color and sparkle to any outfit this summer by making your very own nail polish color!

There’s no need to be limited by the nail polish colors at convenient stores. She shows us just how easy it is to make your very own nail polish color with just four ingredients that you already own!

Watch as she takes clear polish and pours in an eye shadow color of her choice using a toothpick and a paper funnel. She then adds some glitter to give it that extra sparkle. Lastly, she mixes the ingredients together to form a color that goes perfectly with her style. The easy-to-follow process only a few minutes!

Had I known this tip sooner, I’d be flaunting my customized colors all year long! Create your very own nail polish colors with this simple guide and show off that manicure with pride!

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