Doctors Couldn’t Believe It When They Discovered WHAT Was Growing Inside This 3-Week-Old Newborn

Doctors Couldn’t Believe It When They Discovered WHAT Was Growing Inside This 3-Week-Old Newborn

Sophia Gioiello

When this baby girl was born, doctors thought she had an abnormal growth on the side of her body. Everything else about this newborn seemed perfectly fine, but the unusual bump on her left side led to multiple tests to determine what was wrong.

Three weeks later, they were shocked when they discovered what was inside this newborn! This condition seems outrageous and rare, but it actually occurs 1 in 500,000 births.

Doctors could not believe their eyes when they finally saw the test results from this baby girl! It’s hard to imagine what it’s like to have a baby that seems healthy, and then you discover this!

Watch the video below to see this newborn’s shocking condition. Please SHARE this story with your friends on Facebook!