Dad Pushes His Son Across The Kitchen Floor and The Dog Fetches For Him!

Dad Pushes His Son Across The Kitchen Floor and The Dog Fetches For Him!

Jamaica Bravo

This little pup has got fetch down pat! Don’t ask me how they trained him to do this, but somehow his owner’s have him fetching their son’s toy car! He can even do it with the little boy riding on the car!

I can say one thing for sure, that pup definitely wants to play fetch again. And again. And again. I can’t believe how such a tiny little dog can be so strong! He somehow manages to tug the little boy all the way back across the room to the dad’s waiting arms. He’s like a miniature Hulk!

Take a look at the dog’s excitement as Dad gets ready to send his little one shooting across the room on the toy car. The dog can’t wait to play! The little boy obviously has no idea what his parents have trained their pup to do.

When the dog begins pulling the car backwards, the cute boy’s squeal of surprise is so genuine and so funny! It’s even more amusing when you’re sitting behind the camera side and can see how hard that little puppy is tugging and how quickly he is managing to pull the car back towards the dad. You can tell that he can’t wait to run after it again! This looks so fun! I have to figure out how to train my dog to do this!

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